Monday 27 January 2014

Be careful what you wish for

The assualt
*** Warning: Contains unsavoury content ***
So – we all know the food in India is amazing. Curries, tandoori chicken, roti’s, lassi’s, citochori's, pakora's, dosa's and all sorts of other India food I can’t remember the name of.


Like with anything though, there is a trade-off. That trade-off is in the bathroom, in a bed session wrapped in a blanket, in stomach cramps, in never-ending colds, and general lethargy. Rather than go into explicit details, let me describe each of our various ails and perils.
Andrew spent the better part of two days in bed while we were with him, through lack of energy and feeling sick. He’d been sick three times before we met with him.
Swags got a cold a few days after I got one, but got hit with a virus so much worse. His cold multiplied, he spewed twice on the train, once on the way to the guesthouse, and spent the rest of the day in bed with a raging fever and complete lack of energy. He has recovered though, and for all intensive purposes, appears healthy.
Yobin’s got off relatively lightly. He has a mild cold, which got worse yesterday but it okay today, and a sore throat. He also copped a tennis ball in the ribs, which bruised ever so lightly, and which we never hear the end of.

Me, I’ve gotten off pretty good so far. I’ve had only mild stomach cramps on occasion, though I’ve had a cold for a while now, and ever since we got to Jaipur. It’s not a bad cold, and has stayed pretty steady. I’ve got pills for it, so it’s going okay. Bowel wise, I’ve been okay too. That said, its late afternoon and I haven’t eaten yet, and I haven’t left the Guesthouse for fear of… well, you can use your imagination.


So overall, not too bad, but it hasn't been long, and ever-hoping for the best in the next couple of weeks.
It's funny - as the three of us share a (small) room every night, usually a double plus an extra, we normally put the sickest person off to the 'quarantine' bed, or if two people are sick, the healthy one gets the 'safe zone' bed.
Oh well, must be going, time for dinner.

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